Unlocking Vulnerability: 6 Proven Methods for Deeper Connections with Rikki Ash, Coach

Live on Instagram @okclarity on Jul 29 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

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How To Get Your Spouse To "See" You -- And Not Keep Expecting You To Be Just Like Them

Thank you for the suggestion of this topic!! You know who you are! If you've been reading my blog here for a while, you know to expect the unexpected. So…

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What Creates Intimacy In Your Marriage?

What Creates Intimacy In Your Marriage? Well, let's start with a couple questions that need to come first…. What Is Intimacy? "I know that town intimately well," Bob said. "After…

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Why Gas-lighting Is Crazymaking

Why Gas-lighting Is Crazymaking The original story of gaslighting, a 1938 British play, was made into a 1944 movie called Gas Light. A man wishes to make his wife think…

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Why Are Conversations So Complicated?

Thank you to two people who requested this topic. It's the old complaint of, "Why can't we communicate?" Here's the short answer: Because the "we" in that sentence isn't actually…

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The Marriage Weekend Didn't Work?  It’s Not Your Fault

This is how the quick-fix-er marriage gurus get you: They assure you that you can fix things in 8 weeks or 30 days or <gasp!> just 7 days or <outrageous!>…

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When Is Therapy Short? And When Is It Long?

Therapy actually can be short. Here's the combo you need: 1. an excellent therapist (do a search in the group or on my blog of "what makes a good therapist"…

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One Surprising Way To Get Past Limiting Beliefs

“I know I can stand up for myself. I know exactly what to say. I’ve practiced it in front of the mirror a thousand times!” Carrie said. “But when it…

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A Short Answer To Getting Them Into Therapy

In the last years that my husband was alive, he’d gotten paranoid. (Later, I put the pieces together and realized that he’d had Frontal-Temporal dementia.) We would have long talks…

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My YouTube Video List

My YouTube Video List by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D., Ph.D, LMHC

Hi Marriage Information Seekers! Here’s a gift from me to you: The complete list of videos (so far) on my YouTube channel, @DrDebEmpowers, and what each one is about! So…

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3-2-1: A simple grounding technique that you can use anywhere, anytime.

The following is a grounding technique that I use often with clients to get them to ground themselves before leaving their therapy session.This technique can be used if you are…

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Why We Think We're Right When We're Wrong

“With all due respect, DrDeb,” he started out, [Uh-oh, it’s trouble when they start out that way.] “I’ve known my wife for 25 years and I know what I’m talking…

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Life lessons from the Dreidle

When we think of Chanukah, of course one thing that comes to mind is a Dreidel! As a kid, I used to just spin, hope for a Gimmel, and have…

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My Mom Put Off Cataract Surgery: Here’s What You Need to Know It sounds scary, but it’s fairly low risk.

This article is hosted at Redbook Magazine.  Click this link to review it. https://www.redbookmag.com/life/a32802092/cataract-surgery-need-to-know/

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How Our Jewish Tradition Advocates We Participate In Self-Care

In the chaos of our daily lives, meetings, activities, and home responsibilities it can sometimes be hard for us to take a step back and actualize some self-care for ourselves.…

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Do You Know Why You Do What You Do?

Do You Know Why You Do What You Do? by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D., Ph.D, LMHC

Most people don’t, actually. I mean, they say they do. But when you ask them, their answers sound like they’re looping around in circles. For example, ask Tom why he…

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“But This Is Who I Am!” by Dr. Deb

“But This Is Who I Am!”   “Can’t you be nicer?” Maddy asked, one eyebrow furrowed and one raised as if she really were asking a question.   Steve knew…

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I DO NOT Want To Revisit My Past!

I DO NOT Want To Revisit My Past! by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D., Ph.D, LMHC

I DO NOT Want To Revisit My Past!   “DrDeb, I had a happy childhood so there’s no need to waste time and money in therapy going back there!” That’s…

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Drugs don't cause addiction. People do*.

Drugs don't cause addiction. People do*. by Mark Levine, LICDC-CS,, LICDC-CS, Life Coach

Contrary to what you might believe, it isn't substances themselves that cause addiction. It's more complicated. People in your life play a major role. Learn how.

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