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How long does it take to treat insomnia….and other common Cbt-I questions

The following are some commonly asked questions about Cbt-I. Feel free to comment on this article with more questions. I have insomnia for 20 years, is it going to take…

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Ask Fay: on jealousy, emotional eating, dealing with overwhelm, keeping a wedding small, getting unstuck while studying

How do I not be jealous of my siblings who are married/ have kids etc.. I feel like a loser. Hey, my dearest! By realizing that not being married YET…

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Do you want to lose WEIGHT or FAT?

It's Chaim here, dropping in with some juicy insights on a topic that's been buzzing around: Burning fat vs. Losing weight.  Burn Fat or Lose Weight? The Ultimate Guide! Let's kick things off…

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