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Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach

Coach, NASM, PN1

  • Accepting New Clients
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Reach out to Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach

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Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach
Your Health = My Priority

Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach's style

đŸ„‡ Empowering 🎯 Direct đŸ”„ Energetic 🌎 Holistic

Why Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach chose to be in the helping profession

The choice to pursue a career in the helping profession is deeply rooted in my pursuit of meaning and joy. The act of "helping" resonates with my core values, providing me with a profound sense of fulfillment. In this profession, work transcends mere financial gain; it becomes a meaningful endeavor that enriches not just my life but the lives of those I assist.

Choosing to be in the helping profession has elevated my perspective on the concept of "work," transforming it into a source of purpose and satisfaction rather than a mere quest for financial stability.

Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach's approach

The essence of the Fit Yid formula lies in its comprehensive, multi-dimensional approach. It converges on three vital pillars: Fitness, Nutrition, and Mindset development, underscored by a foundation of six core habits essential for Habit building and 7 core Mindsets we develop. This holistic methodology aims not just for immediate results but, more significantly, for sustained growth and enduring well-being.

Within the framework of Fit Yid, the holistic approach extends beyond physical fitness and dietary considerations. It delves deep into the intricacies of Mindset development, encompassing seven core mindsets. Understanding that true transformation requires a shift in perspective and mentality, I prioritize fostering these transformative mindset changes. By instigating positive shifts in perception and cultivating a resilient mindset, individuals can not only achieve their immediate health and fitness goals but also sustain long-term success.

Moreover, at the heart of the Fit Yid philosophy lies a commitment to Habit building. Recognizing the power of habits in shaping our daily lives, I advocate for the cultivation of six fundamental habits. These habits are strategically chosen to align with broader wellness goals, creating a foundation for positive, enduring change.

In essence, my coaching philosophy is centered on the belief that true success in fitness and nutrition is achieved through a harmonious integration of physical, mental, and behavioral aspects. By emphasizing long-term consistency, mindset shifts, and habit building, the Fit Yid approach seeks to empower individuals not just in reaching their immediate goals but in cultivating a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

What you can expect from sessions with Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach

In our sessions, you can anticipate embarking on a guided journey toward success by prioritizing your physical health. I provide a meticulously structured approach, offering you a roadmap tailored to your individual needs and aspirations. Together, we'll delve into the intricacies of mindset and perspective, fostering transformative shifts that go beyond the surface. I am committed to both validating your experiences and challenging you to surpass perceived limitations.

By the end of our sessions, you will gain clarity on your objective goals. Our time together is not just about imparting knowledge but empowering you with actionable insights and a renewed sense of purpose. Expect a collaborative and supportive environment where your growth and well-being take center stage, propelling you towards a path of sustained success in your health and fitness journey.

My foundational program is a 6-month commitment.

I also have a 1-month trial option.

Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach's experience working with the Jewish community

In my journey with Fit Yid Academy (FYA), spanning over four enriching years, I've exclusively focused on coaching within the Jewish community, particularly with Jewish men. The name itself, Fit Yid Academy, reflects both the essence and inclusivity of the program. Throughout this period, I've had the privilege of working with individuals spanning diverse age groups, from their 20s to their 60s, and across various affiliations, including Yeshivish, Chasidish, and Modern Orthodox communities.

The decision to predominantly coach within the frum (Orthodox) community stems from my deep understanding of its unique lifestyle. This understanding allows for a more tailored and effective coaching approach, as well as fostering a relatability factor among members. It goes beyond mere fitness coaching; it's about acknowledging and respecting the nuances of their daily lives.

At Fit Yid Academy, we've established a supportive community that goes beyond individual coaching sessions. We conduct Academy workshops, providing members with a platform for shared experiences, mutual learning, and collective growth. It's not just about physical well-being but creating a space where individuals can thrive within the context of their faith and lifestyle.

Chaim Loeb, Fitness Coach's Book Recommendation Zone

Languages spoken


People I work with


Personal religious affiliations

Frum open minded

Jewish community experience


Phoenix, Arizona

4 years in practice


  • Fitness Coach by NASM 2019
  • Nutrition Coach by Precision Nutrition 1 2020

Average costs per session

$580 - $4500

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Zelle Quick Pay
  • Venmo
  • PayPal
  • ACH Bank Transfer

What my clients have to say about working with me:

  • Fit Yid Academy has helped me in many ways. I learned out to properly work out. I have realistic workout regimens in place which allows me to be consistent and have the muscle gains I want. The member community ROCKS!

  • Investing in my health paid off big time the last few months đŸ’ȘđŸŒ. If you are a busy Jewish man, this program is custom-tailored to the realities and challenges of a traditional Jewish lifestyle. Holidays, shabbos, kiddish, simchas
 it’s all part of the process #FitYid you’ve got nothing to lose
 oh actually
 yes u do! 😉

    Azi R.
  • The only way I knew to keep my weight down was to hardly eat. Now I eat ten times the amount of food I used to eat and I’m basically the same weight as I used to be. And some of that weight is pure muscle. No new-age diets or quick fixes, the changes were gradual and became part of me.

    Avi D.
  • I built more muscle. I've gotten stronger. My cholesterol has gone down significantly. When I went to my doctor, he said “Oh, okay. So you're on the right track. You do not need to go on any medication.

    Chaim G.
  • I was constantly feeling tired and getting headaches. Something had to change. Chaim showed me that I have more time and energy, for myself and for my family. The mindset workshops give me the motivation I need to carry out the workout and eat healthy. Even at busy, hectic times in my life - like yamim tovim - I can still maintain a healthy mindset and stay healthy. My headaches are gone and I have so much more energy.

    Yossi W.

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