
Nina Kaweblum, LCSW

Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW

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Nina Kaweblum, LCSW

Nina Kaweblum, LCSW's style

🎯 Direct 💙 Warm 😃 Humorous 💡 Solution-oriented 🥇 Empowering

Why Nina Kaweblum, LCSW chose to be in the helping profession

I firmly believe that life's most difficult challenges - intense and explosive emotions, impulsive behaviors, trauma, emotional eating, suicidality, self-harm, substance abuse - can be handled and surmounted through compassionate support and attainable goals.

I am a certified DBT therapist, a skill-based therapy designed to help those living with overwhelming emotions and harmful behavior patterns. In my years of practice, I have seen my clients master the tools of Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance and Interpersonal Effectiveness to build happy and productive lives, with increased self-respect and positive relationships. I know there is hope and relief for everyone.

I offer a full scope of comprehensive DBT and Trauma services. During in-person sessions, we work together in identifying triggers and core issues while also developing the skills to reach your goals. Between-session phone coaching can give you immediate guidance and support in your real-world environment.

I have worked with the Lakewood community, Litvish and Chassidish, Ashkenazi and Sefardi and I work as a school social worker part time in Deal. I have also worked with all types of Jewish communities, as well as people who are no longer Orthodox and those who have made changes from the Orthodox community they grew up in but are still Orthodox.

Nina Kaweblum is a Linehan Board Certified DBT therapist with a private practice in Lakewood, NJ and the Director of a DBT practice in Brooklyn, NY. She is trained in EMDR and Prolonged Exposure (DBT-PE) trauma therapy. Nina facilitates DBT skills groups and is a consultant, writer and public speaker on DBT.

Languages spoken


People I work with

Children (6-12) Adolescents (13-18) Adults Individuals Couples Groups

Jewish community experience


Licensed to work in

New York

773 Marlin Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701, USA, Lakewood, New Jersey

10 years in practice


  • Social Worker by State of New Jersey 2008. License number 44SC05616000


  • LCSW in Social Work by Wurzweiler School of Social Work
  • MA in Psychology by New York University ,


  • Certified DBT Clinician by Linehan Board of Certification 2016
  • Clinical Social Work Supervisor by NASW-NJ 2017
  • Certified School Social Worker by Department of Education 2013

Average costs per session

$260 - $275

Payment Methods

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Card
  • ACH Bank Transfer

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