3 Steps to Create an Effective Evening Routine with Avi Friedman, Coach

Live on Instagram @okclarity on Oct 28 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time


Brooke Greenwald

Coach, Certified Hypnosis Practitioner

  • Accepting New Clients
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What is 6 + 6?

Brooke Greenwald
The impossible is the possible that didn't happen yet

Brooke Greenwald's style

🔥 Energetic 🥇 Empowering 💙 Warm 💡 Solution-oriented

Why Brooke Greenwald chose to be in the helping profession

It is my passion and calling to be a facilitator of healing and growth. My greatest joy comes from being a supportive witness to others as they shed layers that no longer serve them and refocus their energies on what they truly desire. Creating a loving, supportive, and safe environment is essential for this transformation.

My journey with hypnosis began when I found relief from IBS after years of despondency. I had resigned myself to living with the symptoms: constipation, gas, bloating, and the accompanying anxiety and embarrassment. I had tried everything—FODMAP diets, pelvic floor therapy, nutritionists, and gastroenterologists—without success. Miserable and desperate, I turned to Google for solutions and stumbled upon hypnosis. Unfamiliar with the practice, I was willing to try anything. To my astonishment, it worked. It was incredible that something so seemingly simple could succeed where all the complex treatments had failed.

This revelation sparked a profound shift in my life. I knew I had to delve deeper, to learn and share this powerful tool with the world. Many people are unaware of this incredible secret: we possess the power to control our bodies through our subconscious minds. The subconscious mind governs our autonomic nervous system, which in turn regulates bodily functions, including gut health. By programming our subconscious, we can influence our physical well-being.

Each time I work with a client, I am filled with gratitude and joy. Watching their symptoms recede as they do the work, letting go of what no longer serves them and reprogramming their minds for what they desire, is incredibly fulfilling. My clients are courageous, willing to delve deep into their core beliefs and memories, releasing and upgrading them so their subconscious programming aligns with their goals. It is a profound honor to witness their faces shine with relief and the glow of healing as they achieve their objectives.

It is my privilege to know and support you in achieving your goals, whether they pertain to a medical condition, a personal challenge, or an aspiration. Hypnosis is a powerful adjunctive therapy that complements medical and psychological treatments. It does not replace them. All my medical hypnosis clients consult with their doctors to ensure hypnosis is appropriate for them. Similarly, clients with psychological diagnoses discuss hypnosis with their therapists to confirm it is a suitable addition to their healing process.

Together, we can unlock the transformative power of the subconscious mind and set you on a path to greater well-being and fulfillment.

Brooke Greenwald's approach

My approach is warm, direct, supportive, and loving. I know firsthand how daunting it can be to look deep within oneself and release what no longer serves you. This process of introspection and letting go can be intimidating, even frightening. Yet, I also know the profound relief and sense of freedom that await on the other side of this deep transformational work. Having traversed this path myself, I have experienced the liberation and joy that come from shedding old layers and embracing a renewed sense of self.

It is my honor to be your facilitator on this beautiful journey. Together, we will navigate the inner landscapes of your mind and soul, uncovering and releasing those aspects that have been holding you back. My role is to provide a safe, nurturing, and non-judgmental space where you can explore and heal. I am here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance and encouragement as you embark on this transformative process.

As we work together, you will find that my approach is not only compassionate but also empowering. I believe in your inherent ability to heal and grow, and I am committed to helping you tap into that power. Whether you are dealing with a medical condition, personal challenge, or striving to achieve a specific goal, I am here to help you unlock the potential of your subconscious mind.

What you can expect from sessions with Brooke Greenwald

Hypnosis is your magical superpower, and I am thrilled to share it with you! Our journey together through hypnosis is designed to be transformative, empowering, and deeply supportive.

Structure of the Sessions

Medical hypnosis typically involves eight sessions, while non-medical hypnosis generally comprises six sessions. Each session lasts between one to one and a half hours. The sessions are progressive, with each one building on the last, creating a cumulative and comprehensive experience.

Initial Session

During your first session, you'll come with a clear goal—whether it's a specific problem to solve or an aspiration to achieve. This goal will be our guiding star throughout our time together. We'll work through the many components and layers of your goal or problem, addressing beliefs, emotions, action steps, and any blocks preventing you from achieving your desired outcome.

Collaborative Process

We create all the suggestions together, and you consent to all suggestions before they are delivered. You are essentially a co-therapist in this process. Our work will cover the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects necessary to achieve your goal. This collaborative and customized approach ensures that the suggestions are tailored to your needs, using your language and preferences.

Supportive Environment

This journey is conducted in a highly supportive manner. I follow your lead, ensuring that you feel comfortable and engaged throughout the process. Clients often report feeling calm, relaxed, and lighter after the sessions, experiencing a sense of being wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket.

Post-Session Support

After each session, you'll receive a free recording, approximately 15 minutes long, to listen to daily. This recording helps reinforce the work we do together, maximizing the benefits of our sessions.

Experience of Hypnosis

Being in hypnosis is a pleasurable and relaxing experience. Unlike stage hypnosis, which is purely theatrical, our sessions are grounded in reality. You are always conscious and in control during hypnosis. It's a safe and empowering process designed to help you unlock your potential and achieve your goals.

I am honored to be your facilitator on this beautiful journey, helping you tap into the transformative power of your subconscious mind. Together, we can work towards a state of well-being and fulfillment that might have once seemed out of reach.

Brooke Greenwald's experience working with the Jewish community

My experience working with the Jewish community spans both the frum (religious) and non-frum (non-religious) populations. Central to my approach is respecting and integrating the client's spiritual and religious beliefs into our sessions. Whether someone identifies strongly with their faith or approaches it from a more secular perspective, I honor and incorporate their beliefs as a source of strength and support in achieving their goals.

For frum individuals, integrating religious teachings, practices, and values can be integral to their healing and growth process. I provide a supportive environment where these beliefs are acknowledged and respected, helping clients utilize them effectively in their journey towards wellness.

Similarly, for those from non-frum backgrounds, our sessions are grounded in a framework that respects their personal perspectives and beliefs, allowing them to draw on these resources in meaningful ways.

My goal is to create a space where all clients feel understood, supported, and empowered to explore and leverage their spiritual and religious beliefs as part of their path to achieving their desired outcomes. This inclusive approach ensures that each individual's unique worldview is valued and integrated into our therapeutic work together.

Brooke Greenwald's Book Recommendation Zone

Languages spoken


People I work with


Personal religious affiliations

Non Observant Jew

Jewish community experience


3 years in practice


  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst 2013
  • Licensed Behavior Analyst 2013


  • Master of Education by Mercy College 2008


  • Certified Hypnosis Practitioner by Hypnotherapy Academy of America 2021
  • Certified Medical Support Hypnosis Practitioner by Hypnotherapy Academy of America 2021


  • Fellow International Board of Hypnotherapy by IBH 2021

Average costs per session

$250 - $300

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Zelle Quick Pay

What my clients have to say about working with me:

  • Brooke is a fantastic hypnotherapist! I went to her with the goal of launching my new business. She was so understanding and empathetic. After I explained my concerns and challenges, Brooke helped me chunk down my goal to smaller and more manageable objectives. I set a timeframe to complete my first goal and achieved it in half the time! Brooke is so positive and truly sees me being successful. Her suggestions, imagery and recordings are having a huge positive impact on my belief system. I can’t recommend Brooke highly enough.

    D.E., Chicago
  • I have had the privilege of receiving 3 hypnotherapy sessions with Brooke to address the osteoarthritis in my hands. For decades, I have suffered with pain and swelling in my hands and arthritic joint pain with deformation of my fingers. These concerns have affected my personal and professional activities, interfered with my sleep and caused me to feel self-conscious about the way my hands look. I have not been able to wear my rings for many years. I have spent significant time and money trialing numerous treatments including occupational therapy, physical therapy, hand therapy, steroid injections, compression gloves, hand splints, and anti-inflammatory medications, supplements and diet changes. None of these previous treatments provided resolution to my hand concerns. After just one session with Brooke, I began noticing significant improvement in my hands. After two sessions, I was able to put one of my rings on for the first time in many years. I experienced improvement with each session with Brooke and continue to experience improvement. I am now able to enjoy my hobbies of knitting and weaving without any pain. As a child, I wanted to take piano lessons but was not able to at that time. I had intended to take lessons as an adult but could not because of the problems with my hands. I have now started adult beginning piano lessons and I am enjoying this immensely. I am thrilled to have my hands feeling and looking healthy. I am so grateful to Brooke. I am amazed every time I look at my hands while practicing the piano, knitting or weaving or when I slip my rings on my fingers with ease. Thank you Brooke!

    M.K.B., MN
  • Working with Brooke in sessions is truly a life-changing experience! When we first worked together, she helped me relieve severe pain in my back related to a nerve sheath tumor. Immediately after our session, the pain reduced by 90%. Brooke also worked me with on my weight loss goals. During those series of sessions, an unrelated crisis arose. Brooke easily pivoted and aligned herself with me in that moment, providing me with a safe place to release/ process emotions associated with the triggering event. She effectively helped me “get back on track,” once again working towards my goal. Brooke is the consummate professional. She is bright, intuitive, caring and highly skilled. If you are emotionally driven to accomplish a goal or seek relief from pain, I give Brooke my highest recommendation!

    S.O, Boston, MA
  • I participated in the IBS Hypnosis group class on April 7, 2024 where Brooke guided us to control our gut for optimal functioning. We did an exercise where we could focus on our personal triggers. We were given beautiful imagery of having a smooth “go” with our gut. I’m happy to report that after only listening once a day, unlike the twice a day recommendations, I have been urgency, and pain free for nearly two weeks, which is huge! It has given me much more control, and results in more confidence to make plans. Thank you, Brooke, for this unique and effective opportunity to connect mind and body! I would truly recommend Brooke, and her work, to anyone who is looking for a beautiful solution to a persistent health issue.

    S.L.B., NYC
  • I just took Brooke’s Hypno Pilates class. It was great! This was after having taken Brooke’s Become the Person You Want to Attract Self-Hypnosis Workshop. I am experienced in Pilates — but never experienced Pilates with self-hypnosis. It helped me to benefit in new ways that really elevated my practice. Brooke’s focus on each individual’s needs and on self-compassion and maximizing workout benefits were very inspiring! I found the Become the Person You Want to Attract Self-Hypnosis Workshop really helpful and inspiring —and her ideas apply to all relationships — work, friendship and love. This helped me look inward and figure out how I can nurture in myself the qualities I am looking for in others. Brooke is knowledgeable, warm, empathic, and practical! I highly recommend her! After this good experience, I asked Brooke to help me prepare for the first surgery of my life through medical hypnosis. I was highly anxious about my rotator cuff surgery. Brooke tailored her approach specifically to my concerns. She helped me prepare for the surgery by asking me extensive questions so that she understood the procedure. Then came work on healing and taking care of myself before the surgery, and then preparing for the day of surgery which included formulating what affirmations I would like to ask the anesthesiologist to read while administering anesthesia. She helped me with immediate recovery and healing well after the surgery. Most importantly, she helped me with my anxiety about talking to my doctor. After 5 sessions of hypnosis with Brooke over 3 weeks, and changing my habits that strained my arm, I felt so much better, that I made an appointment with my doctor to check in about the surgery. He said that my arm was so much stronger than 3 weeks before that he didn’t think I needed surgery and could go to physical therapy instead! I continue to listen to the five healing hypnosis tapes Brooke made for me to continue healing on an emotional and physical level. My work with Brooke has had a very positive impact on my life and health.

    L.H., NYC
  • Brooke Hypnosis is amazing!! At first I was skeptical to try hypnosis, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to give the free self-hypnosis recording a try. Now it’s months later and I still go back to that recording! I listen to it whenever I have a hard time falling asleep or just need to relax and calm down. Brooke’s voice is calming and invokes tranquility!! I highly recommend Brooke Hypnosis, specifically the self-hypnosis recordings are phenomenal! If you are looking to find peace and infuse your life with tranquility, definitely contact Brooke!

    Y.D., Lkwd, NJ
  • The Parent with Support Recording is short of god sent. As a stay at home mom, I work very hard to be supportive and warm in parenting my young children. Listening to Brooke's recording every night allows me to "get away" mentally from the mundane tasks of parenting, and focus on my goal of being present for my children, and being the best version of myself. The effect of hypnosis took effect after I made it a priority to listen to the recording at least once a day, and really calm my mind and body while listening to the recording. I highly encourage all parents to purchase this recording and learn to use hypnosis as a powerful tool in your parenting journey. Thanks so much Brooke!

    Y.W., NYC

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