Unlocking Vulnerability: 6 Proven Methods for Deeper Connections with Rikki Ash, Coach

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Avi Friedman

Coach, Time Management Coach

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What is 10 - 10?

Avi Friedman
Imperfect action is far greater than perfect inaction. - Harry Truman

Avi Friedman's style

🥇 Empowering 👂 Listener 💡 Solution-oriented

Why Avi Friedman chose to be in the helping profession

From a young age, I've been drawn to assisting others. My journey in the helping profession began as a camp counselor, where I cherished the moments spent with my campers, offering a listening ear to their challenges with empathy and validation.

Over time, it became abundantly clear that helping and empowering others align with my inherent capabilities. Working with numerous clients has allowed me to appreciate the uniqueness of each individual's struggles and challenges.

The most gratifying aspect of my work is witnessing the transformative power of mindset breakthroughs in my clients. The joy they experience knowing that this pivotal moment will profoundly impact and change their lives is what fuels my passion for the helping profession.

Avi Friedman's approach

As a dedicated Productivity & Time Management Coach, my approach centers around individualized guidance to enhance executive functioning skills. Through a tailored strategy, I assess my clients' specific challenges and collaboratively focus on developing one area of their lives at a time, ensuring maximum impact.

My coaching encompasses a comprehensive range of areas, including:

Time Management
Project & Task Management
Overcoming Procrastination
Calendar Management
Creating Routines
Email Inbox Management
Papers, Folders, and File Management
And more...
For clients with ADD/ADHD, our sessions prioritize reducing overwhelm, establishing effective systems, and conquering distractions that disrupt their day. The outcomes extend beyond the coaching sessions, significantly influencing both their personal and professional lives.

What you can expect from sessions with Avi Friedman

Anticipate a practical and results-oriented approach in our sessions.

We kick off by reviewing the previous week's progress and challenges, extracting valuable lessons. Our focus then shifts to a new area of development aligned with your goals. By the session's end, we collaboratively devise a game plan, outlining your commitments for the upcoming week.

Unlike traditional practices, I don't believe in leaving clients to navigate the week independently. The real work happens between sessions—through implementation.

I employ the CCC method to ensure your success:

Clarity: Receive a comprehensive recap email within 24-48 hours, outlining the session and committed action steps.

Consistency: Benefit from personalized daily check-ins, tailored to the specifics of your accountability goals.

Communication: Enjoy full access throughout the week via WhatsApp, where I promptly address questions, assist with challenging scenarios, and troubleshoot problems within a few hours.

Our sessions extend beyond the allotted time, fostering continuous progress and support throughout your journey.

Avi Friedman's experience working with the Jewish community

As a Frum Jew myself, my profound understanding of the cultural nuances within the Jewish Orthodox community enriches my work. The majority of my clients belong to the Orthodox Jewish faith, a crucial factor that enhances relatability and connection. This shared cultural background becomes particularly valuable when addressing specific challenges, such as a woman grappling with time management on Erev Shabbos or a man procrastinating his Torah learning.

Navigating issues like attending Shul, preparing for Yom Tov, or timely dismantling of a Sukkah after months of procrastination requires a nuanced understanding of Jewish culture. My firsthand experience allows me to bridge this cultural gap effectively. The shared wavelength fosters an environment where clients feel exceptionally comfortable opening up about their experiences, creating a more meaningful and impactful coaching journey.

Avi Friedman's Book Recommendation Zone

Languages spoken


People I work with

Adults Individuals Couples

Personal religious affiliations


Jewish community experience



6 years in practice

What my clients have to say about working with me:

  • Avi literally changed the trajectory of my business. He guided me through proper delegation, taught me how to break down big challenges into smaller steps, and helped me beat procrastination, all the while doing so with a caring, respectful, and gentle approach. He even provided added value in many other aspects of my business, including strategy, organizing my finances, and other areas. I am proud to have been coached by Avi and highly recommend working with him.

    E. B.
  • I cannot express my gratitude enough for Avi getting me "unstuck" in my business. He was extremely professional and transparent. He asked preliminary questions that got to the core of what was holding me back. I was so impressed at how efficiently and effectively he recognized my roadblock. Then, he sent me an outline and summary of what we discussed, including the next steps I needed to take grow my business. His advice and approach were spot on. I recommend Avi to anyone that needs to focus on their business and put on blinders to the distractions that are keeping you from achieving the success you deserve.

    K. W.
  • Avi completely revamped my productivity levels. There is no comparison between what I was able to get done in a day before and after getting coaching from him. I highly recommend his services.

    S. M.
  • Avi is patient, kind, and a great organizer regarding time management and does great coaching work. He will help you set your priorities and break things down correctly!

    Y. R.
  • Avi has been a great help for me in organizing my schedule and workload. I've been using the techniques he taught me, and I continue to see excellent results. I recommend Avi for anyone looking to block out the noise in their life and career.

    Y. J.
  • Avi helped me develop strategies to organize and complete tasks. Highly recommended.

    M. F.

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