Unlocking Vulnerability: 6 Proven Methods for Deeper Connections with Rikki Ash, Coach

Live on Instagram @okclarity on Jul 29 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

How to overcome people pleasing for good

How to overcome people pleasing for good by Ashley Perl, Somatic Healing Coach

About the author

Ashley Perl

Coach, Somatic Healing Coach

Empowerment through self-healing

  • 🥇 Empowering
  • 💙 Warm
  • 🌎 Holistic
  • 🤝 Collaborative

Comment (1)

  • Aaron Silverman 13 Feb 2024

    This is really good. Ms. Ashley Perl presents a living example of self care and insight into emotional management and people pleasing. kol hakovod

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