Gila Glassberg, RDN

Dietitian, MS, RDN, CDN, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

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Gila Glassberg, RDN
The more you focus on effort, the more effort you'll put in

Gila Glassberg, RDN's style

💙 Warm 🥇 Empowering 🎨 Creative 🤝 Collaborative

Why Gila Glassberg, RDN chose to be in the helping profession

My personal struggles with low self-esteem and unhealthy dieting led me to a profound realization about the importance of helping others gain self-worth that was not tied to their appearance or eating habits. This journey inspired me to pursue a career as a Registered Dietitian, where I could leverage my expertise to help people improve their health and wellbeing.

As a RD, I am committed to empowering individuals to adopt healthy habits and achieve their goals in a sustainable way. I understand that achieving optimal health is not just about the food we eat, but also about our relationship with food and our bodies. With my compassion and expertise, I am able to help my clients navigate the complexities of nutrition and make informed choices that support their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

Through my work, I am able to fulfill my passion for helping others gain the self-worth and confidence that I myself struggled to find. I am dedicated to promoting a holistic approach to health that emphasizes self-care, self-acceptance, and the cultivation of positive habits and behaviors.

Gila Glassberg, RDN's approach

My nutrition counseling approach is weight-neutral and body positive, based on intuitive eating principles. Through years of counseling and teaching, I have developed a personalized approach to help women improve their relationship with food and ultimately themselves.

What you can expect from sessions with Gila Glassberg, RDN

During our 1-1 sessions, which last 45 minutes to an hour, we will begin by understanding your relationship with food and body. We will work together to learn intuitive eating principles and life skills that can help you manage without relying on food, dieting, or restriction. Additionally, I organize groups where you can learn intuitive eating principles and receive support from other women who are also on their journey toward intuitive eating.

Gila Glassberg, RDN's experience working with the Jewish community

My experience working with the Jewish community has been incredibly fulfilling. As a Jewish person myself, I feel a deep connection with my clients and appreciate our shared values. In my work, I strive to help my clients develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, while also recognizing that there is so much more to life than our physical appearance.

As a Jewish community, we understand the importance of taking care of our bodies, but we also recognize that our bodies are not the ultimate goal. Rather, they are a means to an end - a vessel through which we can connect with others and fulfill our purpose in life. This perspective allows me to approach nutrition counseling in a way that is truly holistic and spiritually fulfilling.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the Jewish community and to help my clients heal their relationship with food and ultimately with themselves.

Languages spoken


People I work with

Adolescents (13-18) Adults Families

Personal religious affiliations


Jewish community experience


Licensed to work in

New York

7 years in practice


  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist by Lehman College 2015. License number 86066215


  • Master of Science in Nutrition by Lehman College 2017


  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor by 2019

Average costs per session

$150 - $200

Payment Methods

  • Free consultation
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Zelle Quick Pay
  • PayPal

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