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Ask Fay: Should I delete social media entirely?

Recently I've been using Twitter/x in addition to ig and tt.. I find it to be info overload with using multiple social media platforms. But then I feel like there's good/ valubale content on each platform, like self improvement etc.. do u think it's best to just delete entirely?


Hey! Such a good question and super common dilemma.

Almost everyone I know who's on SM (social media) struggles with something like this, myself included. So for starters you're not alone and you should be proud of yourself for taking the time to have this self awareness and willingness to make a change.

I/ as a foundational principle i'm of the belief that if one is not creating on social media and just consuming then it's more of time suck than a help. Again that's just a general principle I have but that doesn't mean there's no exceptions and you can be one of those exceptions.

Maybe you gain more than the average by being on it even if you're just consuming.

2/ I believe there are much better places to get self development info and inspo that don't have the side effects if you will of standard sm like insta TT because these apps were created to be addictive with dopamine hits in every video etc. whereas podcasts, newsletters blogs etc weren't and therefore aren't addictive and they provide true value.

3/ whether you should delete entirely is of course up to you

- only you know if that's the ideal solution for you AND if it's realistic for you - but if you struggle with that idea - a great start would be to reduce the channels you're onwhich means deleting some and learning to sit with the discomfort of fomo by not being on others.

4/ 1 personally like X much more than IG and TT and find it to be more value packed if you follow the right people and less dopamine inducing aka less addictive. That being said, I'm NOT currently active on X.

Don't have the app etc. Why? Because I don't create on it (at this point don't have the bandwidth) and my principle is to only be on SM if I'm contributing aka creating.

5/ I think it's important to remember that the whole point of learning self-improvement stuff is to improve ourselves. And most of us have more than enough information if we never saw another piece of content to last a lifetime.

As they say, if information was all we needed we'd all be billionaires with 6 packs. Knowledge is POTENTIAL power. It's our job to integrate any knowledge we have into our lives and usually more information hurts instead of helps. This concept can be something to remind yourself of when you're feeling fomo and having the itch to get back on an app you decided to eliminate.

Lastly, remember that any changes you make are easily reversible so you don't need to feel trapped or ponder it for weeks or decades. Think of it as an experiment for 30-45 days. You will see how you do and keep iterating from there...

In truth, life is really all about experimenting with what will help us self-actualize into the happiest healthiest version of ourselves. When you think of life changes as an experiment it can be easier to take a small step or large leap.

You got this and we're all rooting for you!

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About the author

Fay Brezel, LMHC

Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, LMHC

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

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  • 💙 Warm
  • 💪 Challenging
  • 💡 Solution-oriented

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