Jewish Coaches in Jackson
OKclarity is the go-to resource for those looking to find vetted and experienced Jewish therapists, psychiatric medication providers, coaches, dietitians and more. Each OKclarity professional who has the Verified icon featured by their name meets our strict quality assurance standards to ensure that you can find your best fit professional in a smooth, seamless, and anonymous fashion.
Rachel (Rahel) Trilokekar
Coach, Certified Life Coach, AAPC
You have immense potential--it's time to discover what YOU are capable of.
Shaina Keren, MsEd
Coach, MsEd, CCC
Fish don't try to climb trees, but humans try careers they're not made for. What would WORK be like if you were a fish in water?
David Jordan, Coach
Coach, M.Ed. Positive Coaching & Athletic Leadership
I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. - Thomas Jefferson
Rikki Ash
Coach, Master of Science, MS
Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning -Viktor Frankl
Menachem Bernfeld, Ms.Ed. CLC
Coach, Ms.Ed. CLC
Chaim Fishof
Coach, Porn Sex Love Lust & Fantasy Addiction Recovery & Trauma
K.I.S.S. "Keep it Simple Smarty" ;)
Rachamim Bitton
Coach, NLP, HypnoTherapist, EFT, Energy Healing
True transformation begins when we dissolve the illusions that limit us, reconnect with the infinite power within, and align our lives with the divine purpose we were created for.
Sarah Yoffe, Certified Life Coach
Coach, Addiction recovery, Trauma,, Mind Body and Soul
Learn skills and tools today for a better tomorrow.
Rivky Dasheff, LD CRC
Coach, LD CRC
A relationship is two individuals with their own individuality coming together to create a unity
Simcha Freedman, M.S.Ed., SEP
Coach, SomaticExperiencingยฎ Practitioner(SEP)
Life is a journey; navigate it with a friend.