Jewish Therapists in Flatbush
OKclarity is the go-to resource for those looking to find vetted and experienced Jewish therapists, psychiatric medication providers, coaches, dietitians and more. Each OKclarity professional who has the Verified icon featured by their name meets our strict quality assurance standards to ensure that you can find your best fit professional in a smooth, seamless, and anonymous fashion.
Bassy (Batya) Schwartz, LMFT
Therapist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, LMFT
You are the one you've been waiting for -Richard Schwartz
Devorah Leah Knobloch, LMSW
Therapist, Licensed Master Social Work
You may not be able to calm every storm, but you can learn to calm your own, and that's a beautiful start
Yosef Leib Bornstein, MHC-Intern
Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Intern: IN PERSON SESSIONS ONLY
Connection is key
Aryeh Kugel, MHC-LP
Therapist, Mental Health Counselor Limited Permit: IN PERSON SESSIONS ONLY
We only live once. Wrong. We only die once. We live everyday. -Snoopy
Moishy Anderson, LMSW
Therapist, Licensed Master Social Work
Your past does not define you, your thoughts do not control you, and every part of you has a place at the table.
Fayga Zellermaier, LMSW
Therapist, Licensed Master Social Worker: IN PERSON SESSIONS ONLY
Happiness cannot be pursued, it must ensue -- Victor Frankl, Father of Logotherapy
Shaindy Litchfield, LMSW
Therapist, Licensed Master Social Work: IN PERSON SESSIONS ONLY
Empathy is at the heart of my work.
Chaya Bryski, LCAT
Therapist, LCAT ATR-BC
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. ~Brene Brown
Solomon Weinreb, LMHC
Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor: IN PERSON SESSIONS ONLY
As water reflects one's face, so is the reflection of a man's heart to his fellow. - Proverbs
Esther Brodt, LCSW
Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW
Within each of us lies the power to access healing and the possibility of moving towards living with more meaning, contentment and ease
Miriam Plutchok, LCSW
Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. - Carl Jung
Pessy (Paula) Neuwirth, MHC-LP
Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Limited Permit: IN PERSON SESSIONS ONLY
Your past explains you, but it doesn't have to define you.