Uproot/challenge negative core beliefs with hypnosis with Brooke Greenwald, Coach

Live on Instagram @okclarity on Sep 8 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

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Eli Goldberg

Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW, CASAC

We are all just walking each other home - Ram Dass

  • 🧘 Calm
  • 💙 Warm
  • 😃 Humorous
  • 🙏 Spiritual

Jory Stillman, MA, MCC

Coach, Master Certified Coach, MA, MCC

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. - Viktor E. Frankl

  • 🎯 Direct
  • 💙 Warm
  • 🌎 Holistic
  • 🤝 Collaborative

Esther Levy, CYT

Coach, Mind Body Coach, CYT

We are not born all at once, but in bits.

  • 🌎 Holistic
  • 💡 Solution-oriented
  • 🥇 Empowering
  • 🙏 Spiritual

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