Professionals Who Specialize in Brainspotting
Sarah Yoffe, Certified Life Coach
Coach, Addiction recovery, Trauma,, Mind Body and Soul
Learn skills and tools today for a better tomorrow.
Tamara Fass, LMSW
Therapist, Licensed Master Social Worker
If we continue to pursue hope then we had best become producers of it, rather than a consumer of it. -Peter Block
Aryeh Wadler, LCSW
Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
My therapy is client-centered, with a focus on your unique needs and goals.
Feiga Weinstock, LCSW
Therapist, Licensed Certified Social Worker, LCSW
Change will happen regardless; you might as well be in control of what and how you change. If change was an option, then the world would still look like when it was created.
Beth (Bassie) Gugenheim, LCSW
Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW
I can change by what happened to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it. (Maya Angelou)
Yisroel Picker, MSW
Therapist, Master of Social Work, MSW, C-DBT, CCTP
Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering. – Peter Levine