Building Bridges: Effective Communication from Dating to Marriage Part 1 with Penina Flag, LCSW & Caryn Guttman, LMHC

Live on Instagram @okclarity on Sep 22 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Exclusive Content from Eric Rosenblum, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

How to Improve Your Sex Life

How to Improve Your Sex Life by Eric Rosenblum, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

One common reason couples come to see me is that they want to improve their sex lives. Often times, one partner wants sex more than the other. The reasons why…

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Fear & Expecting in NYC

Fear & Expecting in NYC by Eric Rosenblum, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Lots of couples seek therapy when they start planning for a family. It makes sense: the prospect of having a child brings up new and long-standing issues in couples.  …

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Kafka, Existential Psychotherapy, & the Search for Meaning

Kafka, Existential Psychotherapy, & the Search for Meaning by Eric Rosenblum, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In his stories, novels, and parables, Franz Kafka captures how strange, hard, and bewildering it is to be alive. He writes about the feeling of being too late, that one…

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Communication, Couples Therapy, & the Weekly Walk

Communication, Couples Therapy, & the Weekly Walk by Eric Rosenblum, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

I give homework to couples therapy clients after our first session, and it’s usually pretty basic. I might encourage couples to establish a weekly meeting where they divvy up domestic…

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Evan Imber-Black: Guru of Couples and Family Therapy

Evan Imber-Black: Guru of Couples and Family Therapy by Eric Rosenblum, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

I was lucky to have known and studied with the eminent couples and family therapist, Evan Imber-Black, who died yesterday at the too-young age of 80. Dr. Imber-Black directed and…

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