Unlocking Vulnerability: 6 Proven Methods for Deeper Connections with Rikki Ash, Coach

Live on Instagram @okclarity on Jul 29 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Naomi LeVine, LCMFT

Therapist, Licensed Clinical Marriage & Family Therapist

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Naomi LeVine, LCMFT
Being human is a journey filled with both joy and challenges.

Naomi LeVine, LCMFT's style

🙌 Affirming 💙 Warm 🤝 Collaborative

Why Naomi LeVine, LCMFT chose to be in the helping profession

Being human is a journey filled with both joy and challenges. In my role as a therapist, I am privileged to support individuals through their toughest moments, offering a reflection of their inherent resilience. My passion lies in assisting clients in crafting a life that accommodates complexities and fosters a profound understanding of themselves. It is an honor to play a small yet impactful role in someone's journey, witnessing their transformation and growth.

My work involves guiding clients through various issues such as anxiety, relationships, life transitions, burnout, perfectionism, grief, and trauma. Observing clients gain new insights, develop different perspectives towards their thoughts and emotions, and make choices aligned with their true selves is deeply meaningful.

In addition, I specialize in working with couples, particularly those in the dating, engagement, or early marriage phases. I am dedicated to helping couples deepen their understanding of each other, equipping them with tools for effective communication, and fostering relationships grounded in shared values. This aspect of my work brings me immense satisfaction as I contribute to the foundation of lasting and meaningful connections.

Naomi LeVine, LCMFT's approach

In my practice, I integrate a diverse range of therapeutic modalities to facilitate both individual and relational growth. My primary objective is to guide clients in navigating their internal landscapes with increased compassion and insight, while also fostering sustainable behavioral changes aligned with their core values. Drawing from a background in systems theory, I consistently highlight the impact of familial, social, and cultural systems, recognizing their role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in the present moment.

I firmly believe that the key to successful therapy lies in the relationship between the client and the therapist. To cultivate this relationship, I strive to create a nonjudgmental space where clients can authentically express themselves and explore the full spectrum of their emotions. Compassion, curiosity, and humor are integral aspects of my approach, ensuring a dynamic and supportive environment for our collaborative work.

What you can expect from sessions with Naomi LeVine, LCMFT

I view our therapeutic journey as a collaborative effort, where we work together to construct a framework that suits your unique needs. Our sessions will involve exploring your existing strengths and building upon what is already effective. We'll delve into identifying your core values and strategize on how your choices can align harmoniously with them. Together, we'll embark on the process of letting go of old patterns that may no longer serve you, creating ample space for what truly enhances your well-being.

Throughout our sessions, I commit to being present with you through every emotional experience, including the challenging ones you may prefer to avoid. My aspiration is that, together, we will craft a meaningful path for you, leaving each session with a heightened sense of self-trust and compassion—for yourself and those around you. Our collaborative efforts aim to empower you in building a life that resonates with your authentic self.

Naomi LeVine, LCMFT's experience working with the Jewish community

Throughout my career as a mental health professional, I have had the privilege of serving the Jewish community in various settings, including social service agencies, summer camps, synagogues, and private practice. This diverse range of experiences has provided me with valuable insights into the rich tapestry of Judaism, allowing me to understand and appreciate the nuanced and unique aspects of each individual's connection to their Jewish identity.

I feel fortunate to have witnessed the myriad ways in which people within the Jewish community engage with and embrace their Judaism. Recognizing the significance of these diverse connections, I am deeply committed to ensuring that therapy becomes a safe, inclusive, and non-judgmental space for all my clients, irrespective of their backgrounds. It is my utmost priority to create an environment where individuals can explore their mental health and well-being within the context of their Jewish identity with a sense of safety and respect.

Naomi LeVine, LCMFT's Book Recommendation Zone

Languages spoken


People I work with

Adults Elders (65+) Individuals Couples

Jewish community experience


Licensed to work in

Maryland, Washington, DC

Washington, DC, Washington, DC


  • Licensed Clinical Marriage & Family Therapist by Maryland. License number LCM817
  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist by Washington DC

Average costs per session

$200 - $225

Payment Methods

  • Sliding Scale
  • Free consultation
  • Credit Card


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