The Enneagram: Nine Types Go to a Party with Rikki Ash, Coach

Live on Instagram @okclarity on May 20 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Sensitive and Empathetic Children are a Gift

 Growing up, my life was full of so much good, yet my mind was consumed with challenging and uncomfortable thoughts. I was sensitive and attuned to everyone and everything around me. 

 Through practice, I've learned the skill of grit. Persisting in the face of challenge, persevering through overwhelm, and rekindling confidence amidst frustration. 

 Sensitive and empathetic children possess an extraordinary and beautiful gift, that radiates love and compassion, lighting up the world around them with their genuine care and understanding. While others will prioritize their own desires, these children see the world comprehensively, caring deeply about people and their surroundings. However, they can easily become overwhelmed when faced with distressing situations. 

 To support a sensitive empathetic child, engaging in open conversations to understand their anxieties and recognize early signs of distress will help immensely. Encourage them to engage in activities that bring comfort and distraction, such as exercise, reading, music, or art. Teaching coping mechanisms will help the child manage their emotions effectively. Additionally, as a parent, it is very helpful to model a sense of calm, as children often mirror parental reactions. Encouraging acts of kindness and involvement in small, meaningful initiatives can help combat feelings of inadequacy and foster a sense of empowerment. Providing resources like books and shiurim on topics like emunah and betuchin can offer additional support and empowerment. By fostering a nurturing and understanding environment, you can help your sensitive child navigate through challenging times with resilience and strength.

 The sensitive child's remarkable ability to feel deeply and empathize with others is truly a gift. In intense emotional moments, their genuine compassion shines through, offering comfort and understanding to those around them. Their empathy allows them to forge deep connections and enrich the lives of their friends, making their sensitivity a cherished and invaluable trait.

 To hear more about my one-on-one coaching for children, I can be reached through my okclarity page. See you on the other side!

Thank you for being awesome!



About the author

Chana Joseph

Coach, Youth Empowerment Coach

🌱Planting seeds of kindness and encouragement today, blossoms into a bright and confident tomorrow for our young ones 🌳...

  • 🥇 Empowering
  • 💡 Solution-oriented
  • 💙 Warm
  • 🤝 Collaborative

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